‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Summer season club night, Mondays 6.00pm. Meet at club shed.


​​​​​​​1) Whenever going into the shed please “log in” in the hireage book. Even if you are not going to hire anything just enter your name, date and the reason for being there, eg: “washing my boat”.

2) If hiring a boat or equipment fill in the hireage book and place your payment in the envelopes provided before taking the boat away. Write your name, date, and amount on the envelope in the spaces provided and drop the envelope in the honesty box.
Note the committee also uses the hireage records to determine which are the most popular boats. This information is used to help decide on new boat purchases.

3) When returning your boat after a paddle please remove any stones that may be inside it, and if you have been paddling in the sea give the boat, buoyancy and spraydeck a rinse with the hose. Replace the drainage bung if appropriate and remember to put the hose away!

4) Please return the boat to its correct rack or storage bin.

5) If the boat you wish to hire is not there and has not been written in the hireage book then please inform a committee member with the details.